The Peak, Queenstown

The Peak, Queenstown

Location: Queenstown, New Zealand

ConstructionTriplestar Project Management

ArchitectsMason and Wales Architects

Description: Viking Bituclad Torch On membrane. Nominated for Project of the Year, at the Viking conference in July.

Viking Bituclad Case Study Results: This was an illustration of Viking and Watertight Systems using their technical expertise to match appropriate membrane solutions to the project’s requirements. Additionally, Viking was so confident in the specification and the workmanship quality and experience of Watertight Systems that a Viking Full System Warranty was issued for this project. This meant that the product and installation warranties were both covered in one warranty document for a 20-year period.

The stunning roof was successfully installed in the harshest of temperatures and conditions due to both the skills of the Watertight Systems team, and the properties of Viking Bituclad, which eased the difficulty of the winter installation.

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